I have been fascinated for years about the Back to the land movement of Cobbett, Blake, Ruskin, Palmer, Jeffries, Morris, Gandhi and Kropotkin – and especially in their latest attempt at UK political power, via Hilaire Belloc, G. K. Chesterton and the Distributists. You can buy these books about it from the Real Press…

You can also buy them seperately and from the Ditchling Museum, where I am lecturing on 19 March 2020:
Back to the Land is available in paperback, on Amazon and on kindle.
Distributism: A Manifesto is available in paperback, on Amazon and on kindle.
You may also be interested in some of the following:
‘Hilaire Belloc and the Liberal Revival‘ in the Journal of Liberal History.
‘Distributism‘ from the Dictionary of Liberal Thought.